In today’s low interest rate environment, investors in closed-end funds should be discerning about finding the best deals.
high yield
This partnership’s payout ratio is climbing. Can it continue to pay its shareholders?
This 7%-yielding partnership may bring in less cash this year, but its dividend safety remains secure.
This master limited partnership focuses on gas stations, but its dividend safety may be low on fuel.
This real estate investment trust’s dividend safety was secure in December 2017 – but after a yield increase, is it still safe?
This real estate investment trust’s dividend safety remains secure despite the company’s declining cash flow.
Has this real estate investment trust’s dividend safety improved from its less than stellar rating last year?
This REIT just earned itself a downgrade…
This biopharma giant may be garnering negative press lately, but its dividend safety tells a different story.
This fossil fuel MLP’s payout may be under threat.