Instead of thinking about money, Steve decided to use today’s Two-Minute Retirement Solution to mention the many things he is grateful for.
So with that, we say thank you for reading Wealthy Retirement, and enjoy today’s video!
Hi folks! Thursday is our national day of Thanksgiving so I thought I would take the week off from money stuff and share with you my gratitude list for 2015.
First up, despite all the complaining I do about taxes, the government, baby boomers and, of course, liberals, I am so thankful to be part of a system that lets me slam anyone I think needs it.
And, with that being said, I am thankful for my readers who write in and keep me on my toes. I’m not so thankful for a couple who always slam me. But, it is a two-way street.
I am thankful for our armed forces and the amazing job they do. When I was in the Navy, I spent eight thanksgivings away from my family and I know how tough it can be, but also, how much fun we had as 20-something immortals.
[cfopenx zone="134"]I am thankful that it’s 2015 and not last year. Last year at this time my Eileen was battling breast cancer and I never want to be there again.
I am thankful for Social Security. Yes, I know: The same one I am constantly criticizing. It sure
isn’t perfect but it keeps food in a lot stomachs that might not otherwise have it.
And last, I am eternally grateful for my family and friends who make life worth living. With four sisters and Eileen, it can get a little expensive at times, but never dull.
That’s it. Don’t eat too much and travel safely. See you next week.
Good investing,