Alexander Green identified this profit trend years before the market did…
Check out our biggest hits (yes, and misses) in 2023!
Check out the most popular State of the Market episodes of 2023!
Buy low, buy low, buy low!
The most successful investors are often the ones who are comfortable making their own choices.
Use this shockingly accurate tool to survive in a “stock picker’s market.”
While the Fed could overdo it, the fact is the economy is on solid footing and there is little reason to expect a recession going forward.
Lessons learned the hard way by a self-made multimillionaire…
Jody examines the current “Everything Bubble” and how it’s driving up the cost of every asset class…
Many investors consider the very best-case or very worst-case scenarios when they make investment decisions. But what they fail to consider is “What if I’m wrong?”