The Government Is Spending Your Hard-Earned Money
DISCLAIMER: As you’ll see in today’s “Slap in the Face” Award, Steve is finally fed up.
While he gets a little tongue-in-cheek about our president below (this is Steve we’re talking about, after all), he will admit – albeit grudgingly – that Trump is very good at one thing.
Making MAJOR money.
Steve has discovered the president’s “private stock market” and is now sharing it with you. Click here to learn how you can make thousands of extra dollars in returns.
– Amanda Tarlton, Assistant Managing Editor
Get ready… This one is a real stinker and a major rant!
This is a slap for all of us (myself included) who have tried to work, pay our bills, save, not rely on the government for anything, stand on our own, serve our country and just be decent, hardworking people.
You know, do our duty to God and country, and obey the Scout Law at all times.
I’m here to tell you we got it all wrong. We – the hardworking, tax-paying Boy (and Girl) Scouts of the world – have been fools.
We should have been part of the now-majority of this country that has had its hands out, letting others do the work, getting its share of the insane spending in Washington and saying “let the government fix it.”
What has pushed me over the edge? What has driven me to the point where I can’t stand any more of the stupidity that is our government?
I’ll tell you… It isn’t the “gimme,” entitled attitude of so many in this country nor is it the “don’t give a damn” behavior of the nonproducers. We have always had that.
No, it was the spending bill Trump signed last week.
I don’t know how other states fared, but Florida, my home now, got a list of goodies as long as my arm. I am not exaggerating at all.
When I first saw it, I thought, “Oh my God, how do we stop this insanity? Has anyone up there in D.C. noticed we are $21 trillion in debt and the budget is insane? What can be done to fix this?”
But after 48 years of paying my own bills and taxes, writing about it, arguing about it, screaming about it, getting in thousands of arguments about it with liberals and anyone who dared utter a spending-oriented idea in my presence, what can I do?
[cfopenx zone="134"]Nothing. I give up. I am getting in line with my hand out to begin legally filling my pockets as quickly as I can with other people’s money.
Why not? That’s what this bill is all about: more free money for those who are smart enough to grab as much as they can, work less, sit on their duffs and do nothing but wait for us (the dopes of this world) to make it happen.
I plan to stop being a fiscal conservative. We obviously can’t win.
I will run up debts. I will not pay any bill on time. I will vote for anyone who will take your money and give it to me in the name of liberal, “tax and spend” ideologies.
It must work, right? No matter what the numbers say, no matter how far in debt we are, no matter how many get in line with their hands out… They just keep doing it.
Yes, folks, I give up. If the Donald can sign a piece-of-garbage spending bill that even he said was a disgrace, I see no reason to continue making an effort to live any other way than the way D.C. conducts its business.
Really, does it make sense to balance your checkbook, live within your means, scrimp, save, raise your kids to make a difference, and not rely on the government to fix your life or your problems? Really?
Let the other guy do it the tough way!
I have been wrong. I have lived a stupid, responsible life. I have believed what my father taught me about work, happiness and what constitutes a life well spent.
It’s never too late to set things right though. I might be 65 on my next birthday, but I still have time to get on the D.C. gravy train and get my share of all the free money out there.
But I’m sure you know that I will be back fighting the good fight because the truth is, I am too old to change now.
So this is Mr. Stupid and Responsible signing off. I’ll see you next week.
Good investing,