The topic this week is retirement coaches. And I will be asking for some help from you folks with this one.
One of the aspects of retirement that I have tried to drive home is the idea that we cannot focus just on getting to retirement. Our planning must include getting through it as well… to and through retirement!
And as more and more people realize that getting through retirement is about a lot more than just having enough income, the idea of retirement coaches is really catching on.
These are people who will help with money management and what is becoming even more in demand, the other aspects of our leisure years.
Well, I don’t know if the term leisure years applies to many of us anymore. But you know, the last 20 to 30 years we get in this deal.
The topics these coaches cover are all over the board:
- Volunteer activities
- Goal setting
- Family issues in retirement
- Managing your health
- Medication management
- Critical and assisted care health management
- Nutrition
- Education
- Second and third careers
- Travel opportunities with pay
- Life coaching
And, of course, how to get the most from your money in retirement and how not to run out of it, which is a lot different than putting aside enough to retire.
The list is endless.
I really like this idea but, boy oh boy, these folks are expensive. The numbers I have seen for coaches are in the range of 2% of your assets a year for just money managers to about $200 an hour for a minimum of 12 hours for coaches. That’s a lot of money!
But, what we here at Wealthy Retirement and the Two-Minute want to do is give you that service free. Yep, something that really is free, just like Two-Minute and Wealthy Retirement.
And this is where I need your help. I need to know which topics are of interest. I can go out and schedule all kinds of experts to have on this segment, but what I think you want to hear I’m sure is very different than your ideas.
So let me hear from you. There’s a response form just below here where you can give me feedback and comments. And I promise, I will read every one. Depending on the volume, I may not get back to everyone immediately, but you will get a response.
Our life expectancies are increasing every day. We are more active. Most of us are healthier than we ever thought possible at our ages. And we here at Two Minute and Wealthy Retirement want to be a part of making these years the best they can be. Take a few minutes to think about it and drop me a line.
Thanks again for being a part of us. And if you’re looking for ideas about how not to run out of money in retirement, click on the link below. It’s a short video by me about just that.
Click here for the video.